The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

About IFN membership

Membership of IFN provides an important route for learning about and sharing good practice from a wide spectrum of other bodies which share a commitment to developing inter faith understanding and cooperation in the UK

IFN has four categories of membership:

  • National faith community representative bodies
  • Local inter faith bodies
  • National and regional inter faith organisations
  • Educational/academic bodies

IFN's member bodies share a commitment to the development of inter faith understanding and co-operation and to working together for this. IFN warmly welcomes applications from eligible bodies which share this commitment.

The participation and support of its member bodies are the foundation for the Inter Faith Network's work of building good inter faith relations.

The current Membership Admission Policy can be found here.

IFN does not have individual members but is happy to add interested individuals to its e-bulletin mailing list. Among its member bodies are a number of national and local inter faith organisations who very much welcome new individual members.

Applying for membership of IFN

Applications for IFN membership are considered in the light of the Membership Admission Policy at that time in operation, in accordance with IFN's Articles of Association. It sets out how interested organisations go about applying, how applications are handled by IFN, and the eligibility criteria for each kind of organisation. Further information and guidance can be found on the applying for membership page.

If your organisation would like to apply for IFN membership, please read the Membership Admission Policy, and complete and return a copy of the relevant application form.

Applications need normally to be submitted 3 months before the AGM to enable time for processing in the way described in the Membership Admissions Policy. The deadline for 2023 is 12 April.

Applications may be sent electronically, but should be followed by a signed hard copy application (this may follow up to 1 week after the  deadline). Click below to download an application form for: 

If you have any questions about IFN membership or the application process, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Benefits of membership

Membership of IFN provides an important route for learning about and sharing good practice from a wide spectrum of other bodies which share a commitment to developing inter faith understanding and cooperation in the UK.

Member bodies receive Circulars, information updates and free copies of IFN publications. They are also entitled to send representation to IFN's AGM and to its National Meeting (usually held on the same day) - a day of talks and workshops exploring facets of inter faith engagement. Member bodies are also invited to be represented at meetings of their membership category which take place from time to time.

Cost of membership

The current fees, agreed at the 2022 AGM, are:

  • £35 per year for local inter faith organisations;
  • £100 per year for national and regional inter faith organisations;
  • and £100 for educational and academic bodies with a focus on inter faith or multi-faith issues.
  • National faith community representative bodies are able to select their own membership fee level from the following options: £250, £500, £750 and £1,000 per year. Bodies with an income or expenditure below £5,000 per year are able to select a lower rate of £125 per year.

Membership fees are reviewed annually and agreed by the AGM.