The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…


Trustees of IFN


The Revd Canon Hilary Barber
Mr Narendra Waghela


Ms Jay Anderson
Mrs Josephine Backus
Ms Amanda Bowman
Minister David Bruton
Mr Mohinder Singh Chana
The Revd Dr Peter Colwell
Mr Malcolm Deboo
Mr Hassan Joudi
Ms Kate McColgan
Mr Prakash Patalia
Mr Ed Petersen
Mr Es Rosen
Mr Umesh Chander Sharma
Dr Susan Siegel
Mr Paul Smalley
Ms Patricia Stoat
Mr Mike Stygal
Mr Martin Weightman

Trustees are appointed in accordance with IFN’s Bye-law on nomination and appointment of Trustees.



The Inter Faith Network for the UK office closed on 30 April 2024 and staff contracts ended in May 2024.