National and Regional Inter Faith Organisations
Details of groups listed on these pages were correct as at 30 April 2024 when IFN’s outward facing work ceased. Details are no longer being kept up to date and are included for information only.
IFN member
All Faiths Network
Our aim is the protection of religious freedom for all faiths according to human rights standards and the furtherance of mutual respect and cooperation. We welcome people of all beliefs.
IFN member
Children of Abraham (Imams and Rabbis Council of the UK)
Working to build dialogue and co-operation between Jewish and Muslim communities
IFN member
Christian Muslim Forum
The leading forum for Christian-Muslim engagement, CMF tackles the tough issues which divide our communities, supports local church-mosque twinning, challenges anti-Muslim and anti-Christian prejudice and stands together in solidarity in times of need.
IFN member
Christians Aware Interfaith Programme
Building understanding, mutual trust and respect between people of different faiths
IFN member
Council of Christians and Jews
The leading nationwide forum for Christian-Jewish engagement: celebrating the history and diversity of both communities, facilitating constructive dialogue, enabling meaningful learning experiences and providing opportunities for transformative change.
IFN member
East of England Faiths Agency
Supporting and strengthening local inter faith and faith and public life work in the Region.
IFN member
Faith & Belief Forum (formerly 3FF)
The Faith & Belief Forum (Formerly 3FF) has worked for over 20 years to build good relations between people of all faiths and beliefs, and to create a society where difference is celebrated.
IFN member
Faith For The Climate
Faith for the Climate exists to encourage, inspire and equip UK-based faith communities in their work to address the climate crisis.
IFN member
Faiths Forum for London
Faiths Forum for London represents nine major faith traditions within the UK to promote inter faith and community cohesion by empowering people with the knowledge and understanding about one another’s background.
IFN member
Interfaith Alliance UK
Activists of diverse faiths and non-religious beliefs who come together to research, expose and challenge sexual abuse, bullying, discrimination and other corruption in faith and interfaith institutions.
IFN member
Interfaith Scotland
Linking inter faith activity and developing good relations between people of different faiths in Scotland.
IFN member
International Association for Religious Freedom (British Chapter)
Campaigning for freedomof religion and belief as a basis for human rights and integrity.
IFN member
International Interfaith Centre
Promoting international inter religious understanding and cooperation between people for a just and harmonious world.
IFN member
Khalili Foundation
The Khalili Foundation is an interfaith charity that fosters understanding and co-operation between Jews, Christians, and Muslim through cultural and academic programmes.
IFN member
North East Regional Faiths Network
Bringing people and organisations together from all faiths in the region in a network for sharing information, learning, developing projects and forming partnerships.
IFN member
Northern Ireland Inter Faith Forum
Promoting friendship and mutual understanding across the spectrum of religious and ethnic life in Northern Ireland
IFN member
Religions for Peace UK
The world’s religious communities cooperate effectively for peace.
IFN member
Scriptural Reasoning
The sacred practice of people of different faiths gathering to study their holy books and traditions, in order to foster a deeper understanding and respect for religious differences.
IFN member
South East England Faiths Forum
Supporting the interests of faith communities; non-Faith organisations and regional bodies, to promote mutual Faith understanding and engagement for the benefit of the whole community.
IFN member
St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
Inspiring and equipping people from all backgrounds to be peacemakers in their communities and lives. Working with young adult leadership, spiritual ecology, making allies for refugees, and helping churches become reconciliation centres.
IFN member
St Philip’s Centre for Study and Engagement in a Multi Faith Society
Living well together: promoting a safer, more cohesive world by working, from a Christian basis, alongside people of all faiths and none and building upon the strong tradition of partnership.
IFN member
The Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby
Promotingmutual understanding between people of different faiths and beliefs and building respect between people as fellow human beings.
IFN member
United Religions Initiative (UK)
IFN member
Westminster Interfaith
Promoting greater understanding, respect and co-operation between Christians and people of other faiths through dialogue, prayer and action.
IFN member
Women’s Interfaith Network
IFN member
World Congress of Faiths
Promoting fellowship – a deep spiritual connection and friendship – between followers of all faiths.
This page lists alphabetically all local inter faith organisations in the UK known to the Inter Faith Network for the UK to the point of its closure in April 2024. The majority of these are multi-faith organisations, but the listings also include some groups which focus on relations between two or more particular faiths, including local branches of national bodies such as the Council of Christians and Jews.