The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Christchurch Mosque attacks - Responses by faith and inter faith bodies

A number of faith and inter faith organisations have issued statements or organised vigils in response to the terrorist attacks on two mosques in Christchurch on 15 March

This page lists responses by IFN member faith and inter faith groups, as well as information about vigils. 

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The Inter Faith Network for the UK
Uk/ national faith community bodies
UK/ national and regional inter faith bodies
Educational/ academic bodies
Local inter faith bodies
Bodies which have shared statements within their networks

The Inter Faith Network for the UK

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The statement from the Inter Faith Network for the UK's Co-Chairs and the IFN Faith Communities Forum Moderators can also be found here.

UK/ national faith community bodies

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The Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board has issued a statement

The Islamic Cultural Centre has issued a statement and the linked London Central Mosque hosted a solidarity event

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland have also collected together other responses from Churches and Christian Leaders on their website (Statements made by churches in IFN membership are also included on this page)

Churches Together in England has issued a statement


UK/ national and regional inter faith bodies

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Signatories of the Faith and Belief Forum's Charter for Faith and Belief Inclusion also issued a statement:

Educational/ Academic bodies

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Local inter faith organisations

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Preston Faith Forum is hosting a vigil on Monday

Calderdale Interfaith Council signed a 'pledge for hope' with a range of other local organisations

Bodies which have shared statements within their networks

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The statements above are those which have been shared online by the bodies making them. A number of other IFN member bodies have also made statements or expressed solidarity by contacting those within their own networks. Where bodies have sent copies of their statements or messages to IFN, they are listed below. Please contact them via our member lists if you wish to see their statements. 

  • Vishwa Hindu Parishad (UK)
  • Birmingham Faith Leaders' Group
  • Wellingborough Interfaith Group
  • Interfaith Forum for Leicestershire 
  • Newcastle Council of Faiths
  • Medway Inter-faith Action
  • London Interfaith Centre
  • Interfaith Wolverhampton held a vigil
  • South East England Faiths Forum
  • Redbridge Faith Forum
  • Wisbech Interfaith Forum
  • Loughborough Council of Faiths


This list is not exhaustive. As noted above, it only lists statements and responses from IFN member bodies. Many other organisations and community leaders have also made statements and expressed solidarity. Many member bodies also shared details of statements, vigils and other activities organised by other organisations. This list will be updated on a rolling basis until 6pm on Friday 15 March, then updated again on Monday 18 March. 

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