The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

COVID-19 and faith communities – Surveys and research

Many organisations have been undertaking research and surveys on the impact of COVID-19. A number of these are relevant to faith and inter faith bodies. Examples are below.

Note: For the latest Government information see: which links to all government information on this issue.
For more examples and updates, follow the Inter Faith Network on Twitter or Facebook. If you do not have a Twitter or Facebook account, you can view our posts here: 


Current surveys and research

Cardiff University with the University of Bristol, UK Research & Innovation via the Economic and Social Research Council 
"Bereavement during COVID-19: A national study of bereaved people’s experiences and the impact on bereavement services" (Closes 30 April 2021). 

Catholic Voices with York St John University, Dublin City University and University of Birmingham 
"Covid-19 & Church" 

Faiths Forum London with Strengthening Faith Institutions and Civil Society Consulting
"Faith Communities: Covid-19 Impact & Future Support Survey"

Ipsos Mori with the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity, University of Manchester, University of St Andrews and University of Sussex 
"The Evidence for Equality National Survey: Documenting the lives of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in a Time of Crisis" (Closes May 2021). 

York St John University 
"Coronavirus, Church & You"  (Opens 7 May 2021).

Nottingham Trent University in collaboration with NCVO and Sheffield Hallam University 
Exploring in more detail the impact that Covid-19 has had on the financial position of different VCSE organisations and expectations for the next financial year starting from April 2021. (The next round of this survey opens 10 May 2021).

Nottingham Trent University Business School in collaboration with NCVO and Sheffield Hallam University 
“Respond, recover, reset: the voluntary sector and COVID-19” (The next round of this survey opens 10 May 2021).

Manchester Metropolitan University
"British Ritual Innovation under Covid-19" (BRIC-19) is a research project examining how British religious communities have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions it has imposed.

Together Middlesbrough & Cleveland
"COVID-19 Impact Survey" 


Closed surveys

Stephen Timms MP
Exploring the impact of local faith groups’ activities during the pandemic.

The Good Faith Partnership with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Learning from the report will form the basis of a report to Government on “how faith communities are responding to current needs, the key challenges they face and pressing needs/plans to provide for the most vulnerable in society.”

University of York in partnership with the Church of England, Historic England, the Association of English Cathedrals, the National Churches Trust and the Historic Religious Buildings Alliance
This is exploring COVID-19, Churches, and Communities: Current Needs and Planning for Recovery.

Evangelical Alliance UK 
“Changing Church: Responding to the coronavirus crisis”