The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Inter Faith in Focus photography competition Terms and Conditions

This page contains the full terms and conditions for the #InterFaithInFocus social media photography competition

The main competition page can be found here.


  1. The promoter and organiser of this competition is The Inter Faith Network for the UK (Charity number 1068934 and company limited by guarantee number 3443823 registered in England). Its registered office is at 2 Grosvenor Gardens, London, SW1W 0DH.
  2. This competition is not sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.
  3. These terms and conditions constitute the competition rules. By entering the Competition, entrants agree to be bound by these Rules.
  4. IFN reserves the right to cancel the competition or amend these rules at any time without prior notice.
  5. IFN’s charitable objects are “to advance public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, traditions and practices of the different faith communities in Britain including awareness both of their distinctive features and their common ground and to promote good relations between persons of different faiths”.
  6. The Photography Competition will take place on Facebook and Instagram. It aims to highlight through photographs the importance of the work done to build positive inter faith relations across the UK at local level through four categories, which are:
    • Local inter faith dialogue
    • Local inter faith social action
    • Local inter faith arts/culture/sports
    • Local youth inter faith engagement (which can include – but is not limited to – activity  within a college, school or university)


  1. Employees, volunteers (including members of the judging panel) and trustees of IFN and their close family members are not eligible to enter this competition. By entering, you confirm that you are not one of the above.
  2. Entry is open to individuals who are 18 years old or older and resident in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  3. The competition will run from 12 noon on 24 February 2020 until 12 noon on 17 March 2020. Entries received after the deadline will not be considered.

Entering the competition

  1. Photographs must:
    1. be linked to one of the four categories listed in Paragraph 6 above; must be posted on Instagram or Facebook;
    2. use the hashtag #InterFaithInFocus;
    3. be captioned with up to 100 words explaining what their picture depicts and how this relates to their chosen category; and
    4. tag @IFNetUK on Instagram, or The Inter Faith Network competition Facebook page InterFaithInFocus.

Entries that do not follow these instructions will not be considered.

  1. Photographs may be posted on both Instagram and Facebook if the profiles are linked, however this will only count as one entry. Entrants must also caption the image with up to 100 words explaining what their picture depicts and how this relates to their chosen category.
  2. Entrants must have a personal Instagram or Facebook account and the post containing the photo entry must be posted from these and be set to enable public viewing and sharing in order for IFN to accept the photo submission.
  3. Entrants must also be following and/or have liked the IFN Instagram or Facebook account in order for their entry to be considered.
  4. Entries to the local inter faith dialogue, local inter faith social action and local inter faith arts/culture/sports categories can be via Instagram or Facebook. Entries to the category ‘youth inter faith engagement’ must be made via Instagram.
  5. Participants may choose which category they enter, but may only make one submission to the competition.
  6. IFN may contact participants for high-resolution versions of submissions if it wishes to use the image for publicity and marketing purposes consistent with its charitable objects.
  7. Images submitted must have been taken in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  8. Images submitted must have been taken within the last twelve months from the start of the competition [ie on or after 24 February 2019].
  9. Images must depict local activity as described by the relevant category theme. Please see the ‘details about categories’ section below for clarification.
  10. Any personal data relating to participants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be used for marketing purposes without the participant's prior consent.
  11. Prior to submission, entrants must not have won or have been runner-up in any other photographic competition anywhere in the world with their entry.
  12. By entering the Competition, the entrant hereby warrants that all information submitted by the entrant is true, current and complete.

Photo guidelines

  1. The submitted photograph must be the entrant’s original, previously unpublished image. Unpublished means not used in any print media, websites, social media or broadcast media other than the entrant’s own personal social media account(s).
  2. Photographs must not feature or focus on any material owned or controlled by third parties and/or content that they do not have permission to use.
  3. The following modification is allowed: Basic processing of images, such as colour temperature, brightness, contrast, sharpening, saturation changes, tonal adjustments, and colour balance adjustments are allowed. This shall include the use of Instagram or other filters if desired.
  4. Manipulation to the content of the image is strictly forbidden. This includes composited images, cutting and pasting sections of other images, cloning, and creating objects within the image.
  5. The Inter Faith Network for the UK reserves the right to reject any entries and/ or un-tag any posts where it deems that the entry/ post violates any aspect of these Terms and Conditions or where the entry/ post contains offensive or otherwise unsuitable material.

Copyright and permissions

  1. By entering, entrants confirm that they hold copyright to the submitted entries. Entrants will retain copyright of their submitted entries. However, as the image will be in the public domain, IFN does not assume responsibility or liability for any image misuse. Entrants also grant IFN a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable licence to edit, crop, re-size, publish and use each entry in any and all media (including print and online) for publicity and marketing purposes consistent with its charitable objects.
  2. If the submitted image depicts any persons under the age of 18, entrants must have sought the necessary approvals and consent in writing from parents or guardians. By entering the competition, entrants confirm that this is the case.
  3. If the submitted image includes an identifiable person or persons, entrants also confirm by entering that the image has been taken with the permission of the person or persons pictured.

Selecting the winners

  1. Between 18 and 23 March 2020, a panel of judges chosen by IFN will select the winners, as well as the runners up, from each category. Judging will be based upon the following criteria: Appropriateness to theme (50%), visual appeal (30%), and the story told with the photograph (20%).
  2. The three winners and runners up will be announced during the last week of March 2020. They will also be notified by private message beforehand, and asked to send high-resolution versions of the images via email.
  3. The winning and runner up entries will be reposted onto IFN’s Instagram and Facebook pages.
  4. If any winner or runner up is found to be ineligible, or if he or she has not complied with these rules, such winner or runner up will be disqualified and another may be selected.
  5. The decisions of the judges shall be final.


  1. The donated Competition prizes include:
  2. £50 ‘Love2Shop’ gift card for the winner in each category
  3. £25 ‘Love2Shop’ gift card for the runner up in each category
  4. The prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for any cash alternatives in whole or in part.
  5. If a winner or runner up does not respond within 14 days of the announcement, such winner or runner up will forfeit his or her potential prize and IFN reserves the right to select another winner or runner up from the remaining entries.

Details about categories

Below are definitions of some of the terms included in the Rules for clarity purposes.

‘Inter faith’: is used in this competition to refer to interactions between people of different faiths and/ or between those of religious and non-religious beliefs.

‘Local’: describes activity at neighbourhood, village, town, city, or county level.

‘Dialogue’: is used in this competition to refer to conversation or written exchange which is a mutually respectful exploration of views with the hoped for outcome of greater understanding.

‘Social action’: describes people coming together to do voluntary acts of service to help others.

‘Arts/Culture/Sport’: may include any arts, cultural or sporting activity which brings people of different faiths and beliefs together at local level.

‘Youth’: Refers to young people up to the age of 25, including persons under the age of 18