The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Manchester Arena Attack - Responses by Faith and Inter Faith Bodies

A number of faith and inter faith organisations have issued statements or organised vigils in response to the attack at Manchester Arena on 22 May

A Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK and Moderators of the IFN Faith Communities Forum can be found here.

Faith/ Inter Faith groups in Greater Manchester 

Anglican Bishop of Manchester, the Rt Revd David Walker - Statement and from Radio 4's Today Programme

Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford - Bishop John Arnold, the Bishop of Salford, has issued a Statement. He will also lead Mass at Hidden Gem in Manchester at 12.30pm on 23 May. All welcome.

Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region - Statement 

Chabad Lubavitch Manchester - Rabbi Shneur Cohen has delivered coffee and pastries to police at the Manchester Arena 

Faith Network for Manchester - Has posted a statement

Bolton Faith Leaders' Forum - Has issued a statement and will be working with Bolton Council and Bolton Interfaith Council on a Peace Prayers Vigil in Town Hall Square at 6pm on 23 May

UK/ National faith communities

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland - have collated responses from Churches to the attack

Muslim Council of Britain - Statement from Secretary General, Harun Khan - and a collation of responses

Islamic Society of Britain - Press release

British Muslim Scholars - Press statement

British Muslim Forum - Statement

Churches Together in England - Statement from the 6 Joint Presidents

Cytûn (Eglwysi Ynghyd yng Nghymru | Churches Together in Wales) and the Inter-faith Council for Wales - are promoting a Vigil for Manchester at the Senedd, Cardiff Bay 

Church of Scotland - The Rt Revd Dr Derek Browning, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, has issued a Statement.

Jewish Leadership Council - Chief Executive, Simon Johnson has issued a Statement

Board of Deputies of British Jews - President, Jonathan Arkush has issued a message

Network of Sikh Organisations - Message

Sikh Council UK - Statement

Hindu Council UK - Statement

New Horizons in British Islam - Statement

Methodist Church - several prayers and statements

Quakers in Britain - held a vigil at Friends House, Euston 

The Spiritualists' National Union - shared a statement 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Europe Area President, Elder Patrick Kearon, shared a message of condolences

Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe - will be including a period of silent remembrance and prayers in a religious ceremony on 25 May.

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the UK - issued a statement

The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches - Rev Charles VanDen Broeder, President, has issued a statement

National and regional inter faith bodies

Council of Christians and Jews - Statement

3FF - Statement

Faiths Forum for London - Statement

The Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Derby - has posted a response

Joseph Interfaith Foundation - has issued a statement

Religions for Peace UK - has shared a message

The Christian Muslim Forum - shared a statement

The All Faiths Network - shared a statement

Local faith or inter faith bodies elsewhere in the UK

South Tyneside Churches - has cancelled a planned hustings event on 23 May, and will instead hold a short service of prayer and reflection, open to all. 

Oxford Council of Faiths - are promoting a candlelit silent vigil at 6pm at Carfax

Merseyside Council of Faiths - Statement (Word document)

London Jewish Forum - Chairman, Adrian Cohen's Statement 

Federation of Muslim Organisations, Leicestershire - Press statement

Northampton Inter Faith Forum - Is working with All Saints Church and the Committee of Northampton Mosques to hold a vigil at 7.30pm on 23 May 

Harrow Interfaith - Statement (Word doc)

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London (Neasden Temple) - shared a message

Bedford Council of Faiths - circulated a statement to contacts

Hounslow Friends of Faith - issued a statement

Waltham Forest Faith Communities Forum - shared a message of solidarity 

Building Bridges in Pendle - shared a message of peace and solidarity and are organising public meetings

Watford Interfaith Association - shared a response

Cornwall Faith Forum - shared a statement

Birmingham Faith Leaders' Group - issued a statement

Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum, Telco Citizens, East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre, and the Muslim Council of Britain - are holding a solidarity gathering in London on Friday 26 May

Bedford Council of Faiths - is the lead partner in organising a Vigil for Manchester on Friday 26th May at 6pm in Harpur Square. Partners include the Police, Council and local faith communities.

Hertsmere Forum of Faiths - have backed the IFN statement and came together to pray.

Sunderland Inter Faith Forum - organised a vigil in Keel Square on 25 May.

Brighton and Hove Interfaith Contact Group - held one of a number of vigils in Brighton and Hove on 24 May.

Faith and community leaders in Blackburn, Colne and Accrington - took part in a number of vigils in the area

Wellingborough Inter Faith Group - issued a statement and will be holding a vigil from 6pm outside the Hind Hotel, Sheep Street on 26 May

Members of the Jain community in Manchester held a vigil gathering on 25 May, as well as a collection for the Lord Mayor's appeal.

A prayer vigil was held by members of the Jain community at the Oshwal Centre, Potters Bar on 26 May.

Luton Council of Faiths - issued a statement with other faith and civic groups in Luton. 

Coventry Multi-Faith Forum issued a statement (PDF)

Leaders of faith communities in Coventry and Warwickshire - issued a joint statement

Faith leaders in Bournemouth and Poole - issued a message of support

Plymouth Council of Faiths - issued a statement

Faith groups in Exeter and Devon - are among those organising a march and vigil for those affected by attacks in Manchester and London on 10 June.

Chaplaincies and inter faith groups within institutions 

University of Bath Interfaith Forum - issued a statement

University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy - held prayers after the minute's silence on 25 May

This page is being updated regularly - 12.30 8 June 2017