The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Message from IFN Co-Chairs - Recent incidents and attacks

18 March 2019

In the three days since the New Zealand terrorist attacks there have been a number of incidents in the UK, including an extreme right wing ‘terror attack’ in Surrey and extreme right wing graffiti on an Oxford school. This has been followed by news of an attack from a gunman in Utrecht in the Netherlands, thought at this time possibly to be a terrorist attack.  Past statements from us and from the FCF Moderators make clear the condemnation of both extremist hate incidents and terrorist attacks.

Friday’s statement by the Co-Chairs and Moderators can be seen at and was also circulated by email under Circular 08/19.  The office continues to put on the IFN website links to those statements made and vigils held by member bodies of which it is aware . Many vigils and meetings have been taking place around the UK.  While it is important to take active steps to tackle hatred and attacks, these opportunities to come together are important in their own right.  

The work of all IFN’s member bodies to build bridges, to encourage conversation, to stand in solidarity is very important at this time.  Please do continue to keep the IFN office in touch with what you are doing.

Best wishes, Bishop Richard Atkinson and Jatinder Singh Birdi

The Rt Revd Richard Atkinson OBE and Jatinder Singh Birdi, Co-Chairs