The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Message from the Co-Chairs in the context of the impact of events in Gaza and Israel and also of some other situations around the world

The policy of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, supported and reaffirmed at various points over the years, remains that statements are not made directly about overseas events, but only in the context of their impact on inter faith relations in the UK.  

As IFN’s Co-Chairs and Moderators have noted in the past, there are times when “communities in this country continue to feel and voice tremendous pain about unfolding events” happening beyond the UK. The current time is one such, with the impact of events in Gaza and Israel and also of some other situations around the world – including where, alongside loss or life and threat to life and wellbeing, the sanctity of places of worship is marred or violated.

These are times when, as we have said before, “our bonds of friendship and trust – long in the making – are tested” – times when “it is hard but vital to keep communication open and to continue to be willing to be in dialogue. It is likewise vital to stand up for the safety and security of each other's faith communities; to offer, side by side, humanitarian succour to the vulnerable and needy; and to seek ways, whenever this is possible, to find a common voice on human rights and on issues of justice and compassion.”

The Rt Revd Jonathan Clark and Narendra Waghela, Co-Chairs, the Inter Faith Network for the UK

14 May 2021