The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Westminster attacks - Statement

Statement from the Co-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK and Moderators of the IFN Faith Communities Forum


23 March 2017

Yesterday’s attack at Westminster on police and members of the public exemplified the cowardly and destructive nature of the actions of terrorists.  We hold in our prayers all whose lives have been lost or forever changed through the murderous acts of its perpetrator.

Terrorism is profoundly at odds with the values of our faith traditions and of the values at the heart of British society.  We deplore and condemn it.   

Attacks of this kind are designed to disrupt our society and to undermine the relationships within it. Let us resist this at all costs and stand together in unity.

Let us also watch out for the wellbeing of any groups who may be targeted because of terrorist actions which claim, or are perceived by some, as having a link to them. There is no place for prejudice and hatred of that kind and where it is found, let us redouble efforts to combat it.

The Co-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK and Moderators of the IFN Faith Communities Forum


Notes for editors
  1. Press queries to Inter Faith Network: tel 020 7730 0410; email
  2. The Inter Faith Network for the UK was founded in 1987 to advance public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, traditions and practices of the different faith communities in Britain and to promote good relations between people of different faiths in this country. It works with its member bodies and others to carry out these aims.
  3. Member bodies of the Inter Faith Network include: national faith community representative bodies; national, regional and local inter faith bodies; and academic institutions and educational bodies concerned with inter faith issues. A list of member bodies can be found at
  4. A copy of this statement can be found at and a copy of IFN’s statement making policy at
  5. A PDF version of this statement can be downloaded here