Connect: a youth inter faith action guide
An action guide for young people, including information on the different kinds of inter faith activity, ways to get involved, planning tips and practicalities, and links to further information.
This action guide was launched at the 2018 National Meeting of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, which had a special youth focus. The guide was developed with the help of an Advisory Group, which included young people, IFN Trustees, and people drawn from organisations running inter faith programmes with young people.
Launch of Connect: a youth inter faith action guide at the 2018 National Meeting of IFN
The guide builds on the success of IFN's 2004 publication Connect: Different faiths, shared values, but has been significantly updated and expanded. Its development was informed by a range of consultations, including a questionnaire sent to organisations working on inter faith initiatives with young people; focus group sessions in different parts of the UK for young people aged 16-25; meetings of IFN member bodies; visits to 3 secondary schools in England and Wales; and some social media polls.
Hard copies of this guide are available from the IFN office (contact us here).