The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Local inter faith organisations and the environment

Example: Footsteps: Faiths for a low Carbon Future

A project of the Birmingham Council of Faiths

The Footsteps project was set up by a multifaith group in the autumn of 2015, around the time of the Paris conference on Climate Change. Basing its concerns on the Lambeth Declaration on Climate Change. Footsteps has active Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu/Arya Samaj, Pagan and Sikh members and has made particular efforts to engage with young people.

Footsteps’ main annual event has been ‘Tread Lightly’ during national Inter Faith Week, held in a different place of worship each year. It is an opportunity to hear a range of presentations and to engage in round table discussions. There also has been the ‘Small Footsteps’ programme for young people aged 8 – 14 years. This was held as an annual week long summer programme of activities for 2 years and resources are being written up so that they can be shared more widely online. Since its inception many events have been held, including a ‘plastic free iftar’ during Ramadan and a local summer walk for all ages, highlighting green projects and opportunities e.g. by visiting the Low Carbon House.

By providing speakers and display materials to a number of local groups ranging from Climate Action West Midlands to Aston University, Footsteps continues to demonstrate that faiths are working together on climate issues.

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