The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…


Note: From 8 May 2024, except where otherwise noted, where text in the publications below is described as copyright of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, it is now licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License. Unless noted otherwise, the text of guest speakers’ presentations remains the copyright the speaker, and copyright of any other material (such as photographs) remains as shown in the publications. Where copyright of publications was jointly held by IFN and other organisations, they should now be treated as the copyright of the other organisations listed. A small number of publications below have other copyright notices - such as Crown Copyright. Those remain unchanged.

‘Tough to Talk?’ - Report on IFN National Meeting 2014

Report on a meeting to explore the wide ranging issues which could be difficult to tackle in inter faith contexts and to reflect on how these were being approached around the UK in different settings.

Bilateral Inter Faith Dialogue in the UK

This report records the proceedings of a day conference looking at the special value of dialogue between people of two different faith traditions: bilateral dialogue.

Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs (Code)

In 1993, IFN developed, in consultation with its member bodies, guidance on Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs. All member bodies subscribe to this guidance, and it has been used widely.

Inter faith learning, dialogue and cooperation: Next Steps

A booklet containing information and pointers about different ways to get further involved with inter faith activity.

Let’s Talk: Practical Pointers for Inter Faith Dialogue

A booklet offering some short reflections and examples drawn from the work of IFN and its member bodies, with the aim of inspiring and encouraging further discussion and engagement.

Mission, Dialogue and Inter Religious Encounter

Does true dialogue inevitably exclude mission? What are the ethics of mission and of dialogue in a multi faith country? This consultative document was issued in July 1993 to encourage discussion and reflection on these issues.

Moving forward together - Report of the 30th Anniversary National Meeting of IFN

Report on 2017 National Meeting, looking at IFN's past, present and future; extremism, hatred and inter faith engagement; education and dialogue; communicating in the digital world; and cooperating for the common good.

Time to Talk: Faiths at the table of Dialogue in Today’s UK

Report on IFN's 2003 National Meeting, looking at the importance of dialogue for overcoming prejudice and inherited myths.