The Inter Faith Network for the UK was dissolved on 21 January 2025

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February 2024 about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…


Note: From 8 May 2024, except where otherwise noted, where text in the publications below is described as copyright of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, it is now licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License. Unless noted otherwise, the text of guest speakers’ presentations remains the copyright the speaker, and copyright of any other material (such as photographs) remains as shown in the publications. Where copyright of publications was jointly held by IFN and other organisations, they should now be treated as the copyright of the other organisations listed. A small number of publications below have other copyright notices - such as Crown Copyright. Those remain unchanged.

Local inter faith organisations: A guide

A practical guide for those developing the work of existing local inter faith organisations and also for people setting up new ones. Drawing on ideas and experience from such bodies around the UK. Illustrated and with an action check list.

Looking after one another: the safety and security of our faith communities

Practical pointers for responding jointly to attacks on places of worship; working for calm in times of tension; and working to build and strengthen good inter faith relations.

Deep connections: Women’s local inter faith initiatives in the UK

This illustrated report, based on research by IFN, looks at a wide range of local inter faith initiatives which are led by women and principally for women.

Working in Partnership for the Common Good: Report on IFN’s 2022 National Meeting

Exploring partnership working by faith groups and other types of bodies, rooted in shared values

Faiths Working Together Toolkit (2021)

A toolkit containing practical pointers for making contact, planning and publicising activities, and advice on key principles. Updated edition published October 2021.

The changing face of local inter faith dialogue and cooperation - Report on IFN National Meeting 2019

A report on IFN's 2019 National Meeting, which focused on local inter faith cooperation and dialogue.

IFN Day event for local inter faith practitioners - A report (Peterborough, March 2019)

Report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners enabling sharing of good practice on issues including working in partnership with local authorities; open door days and faith walks; communications; and responding in solidarity to hatred

IFN day event for local inter faith practitioners - A short report (Bradford, October 2018)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners enabling sharing of good practice on issues including working in partnership with local authorities; education and religious literacy; tackling prejudice and hatred; and Inter Faith Week.

IFN day event for local inter faith practitioners - A short report (London, March 2018)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners enabling sharing of good practice on issues including working in partnership with local authorities; education and religious literacy; tackling prejudice and hatred; and Inter Faith Week.

IFN day event for local inter faith practitioners - A short report (Manchester, October 2017)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners enabling sharing of good practice on a range of issues including responding to terrorism, extremism and hatred; conversations in friendly spaces; Inter Faith Week, and involving young people

IFN day event for local inter faith practitioners - A short report (Bristol, March 2017)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners enabling sharing of good practice on a range of issues including religious literacy; countering prejudice; working with local authorities; Inter Faith Week and more.

Inter faith learning, dialogue and cooperation: Next Steps

A booklet containing information and pointers about different ways to get further involved with inter faith activity.

IFN day event for local inter faith practitioners - A short Report (Coventry, July 2016)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners. The event enabled sharing of good practice on a range of issues, including tackling prejudice and hate crime; working in partnership for the common good; religious literacy; social media...

Inter Faith Network day event for local inter faith practitioners: A short report (London, 2015)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners, held in London on 30 July 2015. The event included opportunities to share learning and good practice.

Inter Faith Network day event for local inter faith practitioners: A short report (Sheffield, 2015)

Short report on a day event for local inter faith practitioners, held in Sheffield on 26 March 2015. The day provided opportunities to share learning and good practice.

The Big Picture: National and Local Faith Communities Working Together for Inter Faith Cooperation and Understanding

Report on IFN's 2011 National Meeting, exploring the roles national faith communities play in resourcing local inter faith activity and increasing participation, and in turn how the learn from activity at local level.

Shaping our Shared Society: The Key Role of Local Inter Faith Organisations

Report on IFN's 2010 National Meeting which offered a chance to hear from local inter faith organisations about how they are developing their work, including the challenges and opportunities they see ahead.

Local Inter Faith Organisations and SACREs: Working together for understanding and community cohesion

Report on a seminar that looked at the roles and activities of SACREs and LIFOs and what steps can be taken to increase opportunities for joint working between them.

Face to Face and Heart to Heart: People of Faith in Dialogue

Report on a meeting to explore aspects of the 'face to face' (and indeed the 'heart to heart') processes designed to tackle misunderstandings and prejudice and to build good relations.

The Local Inter Faith Guide: Faith Community Co-operation in Action (Second edition)

A guide to setting up and running a local inter faith initiative. Includes information, advice and practical case study examples.

Local Inter Faith Activity in the UK: A Survey (2003)

A report detailing the findings of a six month survey in 2003 which mapped the changing landscape of local inter faith activity around the UK.