The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

The changing face of local inter faith dialogue and cooperation - Report on IFN National Meeting 2019

A report on IFN's 2019 National Meeting, which focused on local inter faith cooperation and dialogue.

 The Inter Faith Network for the UK has, since it was established in 1987, advocated strongly for the importance of local inter faith activity and worked to share good practice, as well as to offer support and advice. IFN's 2019 National Meeting which took place at the Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre in London, enabled IFN and its member bodies to consider some of the current possibilities and challenges of working locally for inter faith understanding and cooperation. 

The meeting featured a range of presentations and break-out discussion groups linked to the themes of the day, both celebrating the vital contribution of local groups, discussing challenges and solutions for further strengthening this work. 

The day also incuded the launch of the 2019 Inter Faith Week programme. The report can be downloaded below.


The changing face of local inter faith dialogue and cooperation - Report on IFN National Meeting 2019

The changing face of local inter faith dialogue and cooperation - Report on IFN National Meeting 2019

Click here to download a copy of The changing face of local inter faith dialogue and cooperation - Report on IFN National Meeting 2019. Size 4MB.