The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Local Inter Faith Groups

Details of groups listed on these pages were correct as at 30 April 2024 when IFN’s outward facing work ceased. Details are no longer being kept up to date and are included for information only.

IFN member

Altrincham Inter Faith Group

Ashford Interfaith Group

Avon – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Banbury Inter Faith

Bangor Interfaith

IFN member

Barking and Dagenham Faith Forum

Barnet - Women’s Interfaith Network local group

IFN member

Barnet Multi-Faith Forum

Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council -  Faith Communities Forum

Basingstoke Interfaith Group

IFN member

Bath Interfaith Group

IFN member

Bedford Council of Faiths

Belfast – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Believe in Thanet

Berkshire – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Birmingham – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Birmingham Council of Faiths

Birmingham Faith Leaders’ Group

Blackburn with Darwen Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Blackpool Faith Forum

IFN member

Bolton Interfaith Council

Bournemouth – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Interfaith

IFN member

Bracknell Forest Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Bradford Concord Interfaith Society

Braintree District Inter Faith Forum (B-DIFF)

Brighton & Hove – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Brighton and Hove Inter-Faith Contact Group

Bristol –  Student Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Bristol Inter Faith Group

Bromley Three Faiths Group

IFN member

Building Bridges in Burnley

IFN member

Building Bridges Pendle - Interfaith Community Project

IFN member

Building Bridges Preston

Bury Faith Forum

Bushey – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

Bushey Inter Faith Forum

IFN member

Calderdale Interfaith Council

IFN member

Cambridge Inter-Faith Group

Camden Interfaith Network

IFN member

Canterbury and District Inter Faith Action

Cardiff – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Central London – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Cheltenham Inter Faith

Chesterfield Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Cleveland and Tees Valley Interfaith Group

IFN member

Cornwall Faith Forum

Council for Christian Muslim Relations in High Wycombe

Council for Religious Harmony, Sussex

County Durham Faiths Network

IFN member

Coventry Multi-Faith Forum

IFN member

Crawley Interfaith Network

Cross and Crescent Group (Leicester)

IFN member

Cumbria Interfaith Forum

Dacorum Interfaith Network

IFN member

Devon Faith and Belief Forum

Dittons – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Doncaster Faiths Together

Dorset – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

Dudley Borough Interfaith Network

East London Three Faiths Forum

East Meets West – Women of Faith Together (Lancaster)

East Sussex - Women’s Interfaith Network local group

Edgware – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association

IFN member

Elmbridge Multi-Faith Forum

Epsom and Ewell Inter Faith Forum

Evesham Inter Faith Group

IFN member

Faith Network for Manchester (FN4M)

Faithful Friends

IFN member

Faiths Together in Lambeth

IFN member

Faiths United (Tameside)

Fermanagh and Omagh Interfaith Group

Finchley – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Forum of Faiths

Gants Hill - Women’s Interfaith Network local group

IFN member

Gateshead Interfaith Forum

Glasgow Forum of Faiths

Greater Manchester Faith Community Leaders

IFN member

Greater Yarmouth Inter Faith and Belief Network

Guildford & Godalming Interfaith Forum

Ham Faithful Friends

Hampstead – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Haringey – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

Haringey Multi Faith Network

Harlow Faith and Culture Forum

Harrow – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Harrow Interfaith

Hastings – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Hastings and Rother Interfaith Forum

Havering Inter Faith Forum

Herefordshire Inter Faith Group

Hertsmere – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Hertsmere Forum of Faiths

Highgate Inter Faith Group

Hillingdon – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Hillingdon Inter Faith Community

IFN member

Hounslow Friends of Faith

Hull – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Hull and East Riding Interfaith

Inter faith activity in Lancaster

Inter Faith Group for NW Essex

Inter Faith Group for SW Suffolk

IFN member

Inter Faith Isle of Man

Inter Faith St Albans

Inter-Faith North/West

Interfaith Council for Telford and Wrekin

IFN member

Interfaith MK (Milton Keynes)

IFN member

Interfaith Wolverhampton

Inverness Inter Faith Group

IFN member

Keighley Interfaith Group

Kensington and Chelsea Interfaith

Kenton Interfaith Discussion Group

IFN member

Kingston Faith and Belief Forum

IFN member

Lancashire Forum of Faiths

Leeds – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Leeds – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Leeds Concord Interfaith Fellowship

IFN member

Leeds Faiths Forum

Leicester – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Leicester Council of Faiths

Leicester Faith Leaders’ Forum

Lincoln – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Lincoln Inter-Faith Forum

Liverpool Faith Leaders’ Group

IFN member

Loughborough Council of Faiths

IFN member

Luton Council of Faiths

IFN member

Maidstone Inter Faith Network

Manchester – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Mansfield Interfaith Group

Marylebone – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Medway Inter Faith Action Forum

Merseyside – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Mid Essex Inter Faith Group

Middlesbrough Interfaith Network

IFN member

Milton Keynes Council of Faiths

IFN member

Muslim Jewish Forum Greater Manchester

Muslim-Christian Forum (Bury)

Newcastle – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Newcastle Council of Faiths

Newcastle Faith Leaders’ Group

Newmarket Inter-Faith Forum

Norfolk – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

North East (Newcastle) – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

North Herts Faith Forum

IFN member

North Kent Interfaith

North Lincolnshire Multi Faith Partnership

North London – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

North Manchester - Local group of Nisa-Nashim

North West London – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Northampton Inter Faith Forum

IFN member

Norwich InterFaith Link

IFN member

Nottingham Inter Faith Council

Nuneaton and Bedworth Inter Faith Group

IFN member

Oldham Inter Faith Forum

Oldham Women Growing Together

Oxford – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Oxford Council of Faiths

Oxford Interfaith Forum

Perry Barr Multi-Faith Network

IFN member

Peterborough Inter-Faith Council

IFN member

Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity Inter Faith Dialogue Group

IFN member

Plymouth Council of Faiths

Portsmouth Interfaith Forum

Radlett – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Reading Inter-Faith Group

IFN member

Redbridge Faith Forum (RFF)

Renfrewshire Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Richmond Inter Faith Forum

Rochdale Multi-Faith Partnership

IFN member

Salford Interfaith Network

Sefton Faith Network

Sheffield – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

Sheffield Interfaith

Sheffield Women’s Interfaith Forum

Shetland Inter Faith Group

Shrewsbury Inter-Faith Forum

Skye Faiths Together

IFN member

Slough Faith Partnership

Small Heath Multi-faith Forum

IFN member

Solihull Faiths Forum

Solihull Inter Faith Dialogue Group

Somerset Interfaith and Belief Network

South Cardiff Interfaith Network

South East London – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

South Kirklees Inter Faith Group

South London – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

IFN member

South London Inter Faith Group

South Manchester – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

South Shropshire Interfaith Forum

South West London – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

South West London – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

Southall Faiths Forum

IFN member

Southampton Council of Faiths

Southend – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Southend-on-Sea Faith and Belief Network

Southern Area Interfaith Network

Southgate – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

IFN member

Southwark Multi Faith Forum

St Albans “Salaam Shalom” – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

St Albans Interfaith Women’s Group

St Albans Muslim-Christian Dialogue

St Albans Muslim-Christian- Jewish Dialogue

IFN member

Stafford and District Friends of Faith

Staines – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

Stevenage Interfaith Forum

Stockport Inter Faith Group

Stockport Multi Faith Network

Stort Interfaith

Surrey Interfaith Forum

Surrey Interfaith Friendship Group

Sutton Faith and Belief Forum

Swansea Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Swindon Interfaith Group

Thamesmead Interfaith Forum

The Sunderland Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Torbay Faith and Belief Forum

IFN member

Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum

Trident Area Faith Forum (Bradford)

Tunbridge Wells Inter Faith Group

IFN member

Wakefield Interfaith Network

Waltham Forest - Women’s Interfaith Network local group

Waltham Forest Faith Communities Forum

Wandsworth Council Multi Faith Group

Warrington Council of Faiths

IFN member

Warwick District Faiths Forum

Watford Faith Leaders Forum

IFN member

Watford InterFaith Association

Waveney Interfaith Circle

IFN member

Wellingborough Inter-Faith Group

IFN member

Welwyn Hatfield InterFaith Group

West Cheshire Inter Faith Forum

West London – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

West Midlands – Local Group of Nisa Nashim

West of Scotland – Local Branch of the Council of Christians and Jews

West Suffolk Faith and Community Forum

IFN member

William Campbell-Taylor (City of London Interfaith)

IFN member

Windsor and Maidenhead Community Forum

IFN member

Wisbech Interfaith Forum

IFN member

Woking People of Faith

Wokingham Borough Interfaith Group

Women of Faith and Community (Glasgow)

IFN member

Worcestershire Inter-Faith Forum

IFN member

York Interfaith Group

This page lists alphabetically all local inter faith organisations in the UK known to the Inter Faith Network. The majority of these are multi-faith organisations, but the listings also include some groups which focus on relations between two or more particular faiths, including local branches of national bodies such as the Council of Christians and Jews.