The Inter Faith Network for the UK office has now closed

Further background on closure timeline can be found on the homepage. A Press Release issued on 22 February about IFN's closure can be found at Read more…

Westminster attacks - Responses by faith and inter faith bodies

A number of faith and inter faith organisations have issued statements or held vigils in response to the attack in Westminster on 22 March:

A statement from the Co-Chairs of the Inter Faith Network for the UK and Moderators of the IFN Faith Communities Forum can be found on the Statements and Messages page.

Faith leaders held a vigil outside Westminster Abbey -

Faith Forum for London –

Muslim Council of Britain – video message from the Secretary General

Dudley Borough Interfaith Network –

Faith Network 4 Manchester -

Leicester Council of Faiths -

Barnet Multi Faith Forum -

Brighton and Hove One Voice Partnership -

European Council of Religious Leaders (ECRL-RfP) –

Board of Deputies of British Jews –

Christian Muslim Forum – #WeStandTogether – Gathering at the London Mayor candlelit vigil held at Trafalgar Square.

Dialogue Society –

Bedford Council of Faiths – There is a hard copy of statement available.

Hindu Council UK (HCUK) –

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Wolverhampton - There is a hard copy of statement available. A gathering was held to observe a one minute silence and prayers for the victims and their families at Bait-Ul-Atta Mosque in Wolverhampton on Friday 24th March.

Faith Matters –

The Muslim Council of Britain – |

Merseyside Council of Faiths – There is a hard copy of statement available.

City of Westminster, supported by Westminster Faith Exchange –

Remembering Srebrenica – 

Churches Together in England –

The Coptic Orthodox Church UK –

Brendan Cox from the Jo Cox Foundation – There is a hard copy of statement available.

Northampton Inter Faith Forum –

Joseph Interfaith Foundation –

Network of Sikh Organisations – 

Quakers in Britain –

British Muslim Forum –

Congregational Federation –

Woolf Institute – #WeStandTogether – Gathering at the London Mayor candlelit vigil held at Trafalgar Square.

London Boroughs Faith Network – #WeStandTogether – Gathering at the London Mayor candlelit vigil held at Trafalgar Square.

World Council of Churches –

Rochdale Council of Mosques –

Calderdale Interfaith Council and others

Faiths Forum for London

Hounslow Friends of Faiths (endorses Faiths Forum for London statement)

Brahma Kumaris – There is a hard copy of statement available.

Oldham Interfaith Council joining with Oldham Council of Mosques in a solidarity event -

Redbridge Faiths Forum (echoes Faiths Forum for London) -

Bolton Inter Faith Council -

Norwich InterFaith Link – Circulated a copy of IFN’s statement to its mailing list, and its Chair offered reflections on BBC Radio Norfolk.

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community -

Merton Faith and Belief Forum and Baitul Futuh Mosque -

St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace is holding an event called Silence and solidarity: Prayers, silence and open listening for victims of violence everywhere

FaithAction -

Faiths Forum for London - Solidarity and Remembrance - a vigil on the week after the attack - Note the updated information at:

Crawley Interfaith Network - Prayers for Peace and Unity event -

Coventry Multi-Faith Forum - a hard copy statement is available